Welcome to Pots & Pans; an outlet for my interest in cookery and it's various arts. I'm not a professional but I have enough passion to want to wander into the vastness of cooking and baking and that is the reason why I'm here to share my endeavors with you! I hope you find my recipes interesting! If you have any recipes to suggest, please feel free to email me at pots.pans@live.com . Happy Cooking!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pan Fried Chicken with Turmeric Cream Sauce and Sauteed Vegetables

This is dish is one that you could enjoy and never feel guilty about specially if you are watching your weight or counting your calories. Or even if you aren't weight concerned but happen love Asian cuisine or the zesty taste of garlic and turmeric, you are bound to enjoy this dish. This is similar to one of those dishes you would come across at a restaurant but what better way to enjoy restaurant-quality food than make it at home by yourself!

Things you need for the Turmeric Cream Sauce: 

  • 1/2 of a Small Onion chopped or crushed to form a paste ( I personally prefer chopped because I like to be able to eat the bits of onions in my sauce)
  • 2 Teaspoon Garlic Paste
  • 1 Teaspoon Ground Pepper
  • 2 Cubes of Chicken stock dissolved in 1/2 a cup of warm water
  • 200ml Full Cream Milk
  • 2 Teaspoon Wheat Flour
  • 3 Tablespoon Melted Unsalted Butter
  • Pinch of Oregano

Things you need for the Pan Fried Chicken:

  • 2 Cups boneless chicken diced into large cubes and marinated in 2 Teaspoon Oyster Sauce for 15 minutes
  • 1.5 Tablespoon Vegetable Oil
  • 1 Teaspoon Ground Pepper

Things you need for the Sauteed Vegetables:

  • 2 Regular Sized carrots 
  • 250 Grams Cauliflower
  • 150 Grams Green Beans
  • 3 Tablespoon Butter
  • 1 Tablespoon Gound Pepper
  • Pinch of Oregano
  • Salt to taste

How to make the Turmeric Cream Sauce:

First put the melted butter into a pot at low heat and add the chopped onion and garlic paste. Let it simmer for a minute.
Then add the turmeric powder and stir well.
Dissolve the flour in the chicken stock and add this into the mixture
Stir well ensuring that all the clumps are dissolved. You can use a wire whisk if you like.
Then stir in the milk and keep stirring constantly for approximately 5 to 7 minutes until the mixture become slightly thick and saucy like a paste.
Finally add the ground pepper and oregano.
Leave aside.

How to make the Pan Fried Chicken:

Add the oil into a pan and let it heat.
Then add the chicken and toss the pieces around to prevent them from over frying.
Pan fry the chicken until they turn brown. This usually takes around 10 to 15 minutes.
Remove from heat and leave aside.

How to make the Sauteed Vegetables:

Before Sauteing the vegetables you need to chop them. Chop the carrots diagonally into 1/2 inch long bits and the beans also in the same manner.  The cauliflower needs to be separated into florets.
Boil water in a large pot and add the vegetables in. Par boil for approximately 20 minutes.
When its done, take a large bowl filled with cool water and strain the vegetables and add these to it.
Leave aside for 10 minutes. This process will stop the boiling and preserve the colour of the vegetables.
Take a wok and add the butter into it. When it has heated add the vegetables and saute them in the butter for 5 minutes.
Add the salt, pepper and oregano and saute a bit more.
Remove from heat.

Serve the dish with the desired quantity (usually 3 tablespoon) of Turmeric sauce over the chicken or seperately. The sauce should be hot as to prevent it from coagulating.

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