Welcome to Pots & Pans; an outlet for my interest in cookery and it's various arts. I'm not a professional but I have enough passion to want to wander into the vastness of cooking and baking and that is the reason why I'm here to share my endeavors with you! I hope you find my recipes interesting! If you have any recipes to suggest, please feel free to email me at pots.pans@live.com . Happy Cooking!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mini Caramel Pudding

If you plan on making a dessert just for you and your loved one, Mini Caramel Puddings are an excellent choice! Not only is it extremely delicious but its also very easy to make! Just 4 easily available ingredients and you are done. 

Things you need: 

  • 1/2 Cup of Condensed Milk
  • 1/2 Cup Water
  • 2 Eggs
  • 20 grams of Granulated Sugar
Preparation of pudding:

Beat the Eggs with the egg yolk in a mixing bowl for 2 minutes.
Next add the condensed milk and mix well using a spoon. 
When you are done mixing the egg and condensed milk mixture add water and mix well. Leave aside.

Preparation of caramel:

Heat a small pot or a small wok and add the sugar into it. 
Add 2 teaspoon of sugar and constantly stir using a spoon until the mixture turns brown. 
Meanwhile take a ramekin cup or a small aluminium/steel bowl and keep ready.
Using a spoon pour the hot caramel from the wok into the ramekin cup/bowl so that it lines the bottom of the cup/bowl.

Cooking Instructions:

Pour the entire contents of the pudding into the ramekin cup/bowl.
Take pot and pour 3 cups of water into it and set to boil. You can also use a medium sized rice cooker for this part. It depends on which you prefer.
Before the water boils place a smaller steel cup filled with water in the middle of the pot. This will serve as a stand for the ramekin cup/bowl
When the water boils place the ramekin cup/bowl carefully on top of the small steep cup which is in the pot.
Cover and let it cook for approximately 20 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the pudding comes out clean.
When you are done, keep to chill before eating.

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